LMAO i saw this picture and it gave me a great lemon christmas idea and so here is the lemon in time for christmas!! thank you whoever drew this i give full credit to you! DICLAIMER I DO NOT OWN NARUTO OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!!! I HAVE REPEATED THIS EVERYTIME AND IT IS STARTING TO GET ANNOYING BUT IT NESSACARY!!! WARNING THIS IS A SEXUAL STORY WITH SEX SCENES AND CUSS WORDS AND POSSIBLY SOME VIOLENCE!!!
Merry Christmas for everyone here that is reading this and I hope your wishes for the holidays come true! excpet for those who put rule the world or take the world over that will be me!!!Name: Miyuki (Japanese name for snow)
Looks: Waist long curly white hair that is not really too curly but a has a good wave to it enough that she doesnt have to so anything to it in the morning to make it look like it does. Bright icy blue eyes that will shine in almost any light. Flat belly with big thighs and round full breats that are the good size of 37 C.
Clothing: In this christmas special Miyuki is forced to wear a female santa outifit along with Konan. The outfit hugs her big thighs and makes her boobs look even bigger then they actually are. The outfit is rimmed with fluffy white cotton. Of course she has on a santa hat that is also rimmed with white cotton. Around her neck is a bulky yet ounk stylish red collar with one large green bell in the middle. Pein (the leader of the akatsuki (i learned how to spell it yaay) put the locked choker around her neck saying that if she wore the outfit on christmas eve he would gladly take it off. Poor Miyuki. On her feet are just candy cane stockings that reach just a few inches down from where the dress ends.
Personality: has a major temper. Takes care of Tobi because he reminds her of her deceased younger brother. She may have a wild temper but is friends with everyone in the organization except hidan, kakuza, and Zetsu. she dislikes hidan for his own temper, kakuza because he is greedy, but zetsu...he just creeps her out so she avoids him. The closest people to her is Tobi, Deidara, and Konan (she also has to wear an outfit, but Pein only put her in it cuz he wanted to see her in it for himself lol)
I could not believe Pein was making me wear such a thing. It was very uncomfortable to walk in such a tight skirt, and every time I took a step my boobs bounced up and then back down. I felt like a slut walking towards the lounging area to hand out Christmas eve presents to everyone. Of course I was going to be embarressed all of the members, that consisted of men, were in the lounge area waiting for this years santas to get there to hand out their holiday presents. It was my first Christmas as an Akatsuki and I had no idea that this was in store for me.
Feeling my anger starting to surge through me, I stopped where I was in the hallway and began to take in deep breath's. Feeling the anger submissing I began to walk once more.
The hallway was beginning to end, I could see the light illuminating from the lounging room. Taking in a large breath I walked into the lounge.
"Deidara-sempai please leeeeeet me have ooooooonly ooooooonnnnnnneeeee!" A hysterical sight went on in front of the christmas tree. I saw Dedara on top of Tobi holding him back from the candy canes.
"No not yet Tobi, un!! We have to wait, un! If your lucky this years santa will hand one to you, un!" Deidara was trying his best to hold Tobi back, pressing his hand against his face.
Everyone was concentrating and laughing at the hysterical duo, so they did not notice me standing in the doorway. I smiled at Deidara who was looking after Tobi, which I appreciated. I would usually be the one who took care of Tobi and watched after him, for some odd reason Deidara has been helping me a lot more lately, but it was a mystery to as why.
"Deidara-sempai pleeeeeeaaaaase!!!" Tobi's begging grew.
"No, wait till Santa gets here, un!" They went back and forth.
"When is santa gonna get here?" Tobi finally stopped struggleing.
"I dont know, un!"
"Oh, Deidara, Tobi; santa is here." Pein passed right by me and announced my presence. Konan followed right after him not hiding her own outfit, which I must point out was wrinkled and was a bit wet with unknown substance.
Standing there, all of the attention went from the fighting duo to me. All of the men's jaws dropped as they eyed me. I felt incredibly uncomfortable underneath the heavy stares. In my regular ninja outfits I made sure that my cleavlage and most of my intimate skin had been covered but tonight my curves and feminine qualities were being unleashed. My blush took over my cheeks and all of the skin that is revealed.
Deidara turned his head to the side and saw me, eyes widened. His own blush took over his face as his eyes went down south but quickly went back up. Tobi quickly shrugged Deidara off and darted straight at me. Hugging me around my waist he made the blush brighten.
"Santa, Tobi has been a good boy all year long! Can I have a candy cane?" His voice was of childish excitement.
"Yes Tobi, you can have a candy cane." Sighing I let him have what he wanted.
"Miyuki..." Deidara's voice snapped me out of self-pity. Staring into his eyes, I lost my train of sympathetic thought. Standing up he just barely dodged the happy Tobi, who was darting to the tree for his candy. Stopping about two feet away from me he closed his eyes and smiled at me. "You look beautiful, un." A little switch clicked on in my head, I glared in his direction seeing through his words, waiting for his real statement.
After moments it never came, "Deidara what else is on your mind besides the fact that you clrearly stated, because I know you have more on your mind on what to say about the way I look." My anger rode me.
"Of course, I also think you are a homicidal killing machine that looks sexy but will eventually kill Hidan, un." His smile turned into a smirk, growing wider.
I felt myself sweatdrop but I did not let it get to me, mainly because deep down I knew that one day i would kill Hidan. Slowly nodding and taming my anger I made my way towards the tree.
Carefully bending down, so none of the men could look carefully and see my no underwear ass, I picked up the first present. It had adorable and very bloody chibi on it. The name that it was assigned to was Hidan, of course bloody anime person.
Quickly I tossed the wrapped present to the Jashin worshipper. As I glared at the silver haired man he only winked, obviously enjoying both the sight and my obvious anger. An unkown and hushed growl came from someone in the room, but I had no idea who; instead of looking for who I ignored it.
Hidan opened the gift and smiled at the sharp knife with an engraved symbol for his god. "Thanks...Santa." his violet eyes held teasing lust and satisfaction.
Ignoring the smirking asshole I turned back to the tree. Picking up the next present, I analyzed the wrapping. This one was bright blue with bright black words on it saying 'CHOMP, CHOMP!' i automatically knew who it was. Swiftly turning I tossed it at Kisame.
His face held a birght and happy smirk. Quickly he tore apart the wrapping revealing the bandages. Kisame just stared vacantly at the gift.
"Its to wrap your sword in." Itachi stated next to him. "It must be bothersome to not have new wrapping for your chakra eating sword that constantly breaks through the regular bandages." His voice told everyone that he was irritated at Kisame's reaction.
The shark man remained silent, slowly sitting next to Itachi. Shaking my head I bent back down and picked up the next gift. This one was wrapped with green wrapping with white and black strands going down in stripes. I regretted picking up this gift but knew that it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Standing back up with the present in my hand I faced Zetsu who now suddenly stood right in front of me. Panick took over me as I remembered what I had witnissed a while back. A shudder reached down my spine as I held out the present to the plant man.
His weird combined face smirked at me as he took the present from me. I felt his fingers purposly slowly touch mine. Goosebumps rose all the way up my arms and over my revealed cleavlage.
"You look very delicious; a true mosel young Miyuki." His white side said but it sounded as if the black side had said it, due to the malicious promise the compliment held.
I satyed where I was, frozen in fear as memories warped through my mind. In my mind I could see Zetsu eating two screaming and very naked women. The women had been writhing and pleading to be spared but that meant nothing to the blood thrirsty plant ninja. Blood had covered the floor, walls, and splattered onto me. My face dripped with tears and the blood droplets.
As a warm hand was placed onto my shoulder I jumped and snapped out of my fear filled daze. Glancing behind me I saw Deidara glaring at Zetsu, he was the one who held my shoulder. "Zetsu you might want to open the present...NOW!" I myself cringed at Deidara's forceful and booming voice. He truly looked pissed.
Zetsu glared and walked off to open his present.
One by one everyone got their present. All except one, I stood there holding my own present waiting to unwrap it. Everyone was staring at me expectantly. I would have opened it right away but guilt was hanging heavy in the air. Everyone had gotten their partner to their team something...except me. Deidara was my partner out in the field but also my partner in crime, ehlping me out in any situation. I had no idea what to get him and now it was too late. Deidara stood beside me grinning as he was waiting for me to open up the gift he got me.
Letting out a heavy sigh I unwrapped the present, which was wrapped in snowflake aluminum christmas wrapping. It was gorgeous wrapping and I hated to ruin it. Carefully and slowly I opened the gift, tearing the wrapping off. My heart stopped as I stared at a cardboard box that was in a rectangular shape. Slowly I opened the lid and looked inside, my eyes widening at what I saw. A single white rose lay within the confines of the box. Slowly a smile etched across my face, and it only grew bigger as I looked up into Deidara's face.
"Deidara..." He stopped me, starting to lean foward. My gaze grew from loving to shocked as he pressed his lips to my own. His hot breath whisped over my face as I began to kiss back ,the shock gone. My eyes closed enjoying the moment. Forgotting about my embarressing outfit I pressed my body against his own, wrapping my arms around his neck. My hand tightly held the box in its grasp, not allowing the precious item to get crushed. Deidara wrapped his arms around my waist as the kiss grew more heated by the second.
Minutes passed and snickers started erupting from the crowd of viewers. I heard someone beginning to walk toward the both of us. Opening my eyes I saw it was Pein. Pein tapped Deidara's shoulder, "Ummm...Deidara we realize that your long lasted affection has now been finally realized, and that this is a crucial part in the story but...can we move on?"
Deidara only responded by growling into our kiss, and as I gasped from the beast like action, and he took advantage, shoving his tongue into my mouth; massaging my wet cavern. I had to hold back a moan so no one would hear me making such a sound.
"Go get a room!" Kisame's voice called out to the both of us.
"Konan-sama, why is Deidara-sempai's lips hugging Santa-sans lips?" The childish Tobi asked the blue haired woman.
"It is only natural..." was the only thing the blushing Konan told him. She was still blushing from her Christmas present, which she recieved from Pein; which was a sexy lingerie dress and a box of female condoms. Everyone had laughed but expected that.
"Well we do have another Santa, so I guess we would not really miss this one." Pein gave up, probably not too happy about everyone seeing Konan actually walking around in the tight uniform.
"Take her away Deidara, it is understandable and you both will not be missed." Itachi told the passioned man while wearing his new black sunglasses. Kisame got him those saying that now when he goes blind people will know.
Grabbing my wrist tightly and breaking the kiss he whisked me away. Running behind him I followed him willingly down the dark hallway.
We made swift turns and finally made it to his room. Before we could ever make it into the room, Deidara pinned me to the wall roughly. He pinned my body against the wall with his own and cupped one of my breats in his hand as he forced a heavy kiss on my lips. He wedged one of his legs between my thighs, slowly and roughly rubbing his knee against my unclothed pussy. A gasp left my throat as I felt his jeaned leg do so, and as he kept up his rythm, moans continuesly left my throat.
My heated and half-opened gaze met his widened eyes, apparently he just realized that I had not worn any underwear. "You...why did you not wear...any underwear, un?" He asked as he began to kiss my neck. "I mean...it is sexy...but I would have seriously hated if anyone...had seen...you...most vulnerable." He said each word seductively as he kissed his way down my neck and to my collarbone. Everytime a kiss landed on my skin he would either grip my breast a bit tighter or pinch my nipple, these were what kept me from answering that question. While the hand kneaded my breast, through the fabric, my womanhood was drowning with expectation. While the wetness grew more and more rapid, Deidara only wiped it away with his knee.
Deidara did not mind me answering his question, he had realized that I was so swept up in the pleasure. His mouth came back up from my neck to my mouth, our tongues once again warring. As one hand was on a kneading breast and his mouth was on mine, his other hand was trailing down south. Slowly his fingers slipped in my skirt and began to tease my inner thighs. As the mouth on his hand began to nip at my thighs I began to pant into the kiss, my body reacting to such a notion. Soon enough I felt a single finger prod my swollen clit, making me break the kiss to let out a sharp gasp.
"Hmmmm...I like the sound of that, un." As soon as he uttered those worde I felt him press his whole palm against my pussy. The tongue that was inside Deidara's hand darted inside of me, while Deidara firmly pressed and put friction on my clit with his thumb. The sensation was too much, gasps and near screams left my mouth as my juices pooled. His tongue kept darting in and out, spearing me. When my screams quickly got louder, and with the echoing of the hallway, Deidara had to press his lips against my own. My moaning and cries of pleasure were mumbled but to make sure Deidara shoved his tongue down my throat. I let his tongue have full reign, enjoying the dominating behavior.
"Sorry...Miyuki...but I...doubt we...will be able to...make it to the...bed." Deidara moaned as he broke the kiss to lick my bottom lip, and bite it gently.
"Thats...fine...the wall...suddenly...seems more...comfortable...anyway..." I talked in between gasps and pants.
Carefully my hands traveled to his jeans, quickly trying to unbutton them. As my fingers worked on Deidaras clothing, his fingers left my flower and hitched up my tight skirt. My large thighs were revealed, and at the very sight of my soft and creamy skin he groaned. He went a bit further, revealing my freshly shaved womanhood, and once again he groaned. I achieved my goal, Deidara's jeans were now pooled around his ankles, leaving him in his shirt and boxers. My hands trembled as they grasped the hem of the black t-shirt. Quickly I pulled the shirt over his head and started to gaze at the well sculpted chest.
"Mmmmm, found something you like, un?" His question was a purr as his hands grasped the cottony edge of the top of my cleavlage. Quickly he pulled the material down, revealing my large succulent breasts. As soon as the oppurtunity revealed itself he trapped my harden peak within his mouth, lightly nipping my peak.
"Yesssssss!" I screamed while answering the question.
"Mmmmmmm, you are so enthusiastic when answering questions, hm." He cooed after releasing the hold of my nipple. a trail of saliva was slowly trailing down my chin as I heavily panted. "You look so sexy, with that glazed over look in those eyes of yours."
"...Thanks..." was the only thing I could say in my state.
In response of my thank you Deidara licked all around my nipple, while he grabbed the hem of his boxers and dragged them down, careful not to hurt his large erection. As soon as he was free, I felt him poke against my nether lips; making me gasp with pleasure and amazement.
"Are you a virgin?" He asked, his voice thick and heavy with pure need.
"No..." I uttered the word, while I wrapped my legs around his waist. Deidara's hands went to my uncovered ass, holding me up. My hands were gently laid on his neck, feeling the tight tendons. I began to lap at the connection between the shoulder and neck.
Deidara purred in my ear as my tongue softly rubbed on his skin. He pressed my arched back against the wall. I felt his manhood prod against my entrance, making my walls clench with anticipation. "Good, then it should not hurt then." As soon as that last word left hi mouth, he rammed himself inside of me, sheathing himself to the hilt.
My head shot up and titled backwards slightly, my eyes were half closed with pleasure, as a scream ripped through my body. Deidara immideitly stilled thinking that he had hurt me. "NO...dont stop...I screamed from...the pleasure..." Once again my tongue was raking across the side of his neck. Even thou I told him the truth Deidara was sweet yet evil and would not allow himself to move. Getting sexually fustrated i took the matter int my own hands. Slowly I began to grind my pelvis, making his dick twitch and move inside of me. We both let out a loud moan as the feeling of pleasure warped through us both.
With that one action, Deidara began pumping and pounding himself in and out of me, with unbeilivable speed. One hand remained on his neck, while the other sinful hand trailed down, pinching and circling his nipple. More and more audible groans escaped both of our lips.
"...Deidara..." My cheeks flared as I realized, with the tiny bit of sanity, that I had moaned out his name.
"Mmmmm, Miyuki...you are so...tight...ahhh." I could feel my walls starting to spasm and tighten, and I knew that I was coming close to the to soon peak, and so was Deidara.
A large and seemingly unbreakable boulder formed in my stomach. Slowly and sweetly, with every pound inside of me, Deidara was chipping it away. Soon enough I stood there in my own world, still feeling the immense pleasure, holding a tiny pebble that had resignated from the mountain large boulder. I gripped onto my last fragmant of my sanity, preventing myself from climaxing.
The sound of our juices only made it harder, the mixed substance making the sound everytime Deidara rammed himself in and out of me. Feeling my erotica side emerge I roughly nipped at the place I had been licking, causing a few small beads of blood to perk.
"Ughhhhhh, Miyuki...you already know that I like it rough." Deidara's husky purr was once again in my ear, his hot breath whisping in my ear canal.
I smirked, now knowing the reaction I would get if I got rough. As I used my abnormally large incisor teeth I bit him again this time much harder, but while i did this I used two of my fingers and pinched his nipple. With this last bit of sanity gone from him, and me we came.
The pebble crumbled away, leaving behind sand which was blown away. My hot walls clamped on his appendage, milking him of everything he had to offer. We both screamed each other's name in unison as our juices mixed together.
Deidara stood there, with me still held up by him, panting. I was in no better condition, my body was still lightly spasming out of control. We were both coming down from our high adrenaline rush.
Once my heart rate began to become normal, I broke the silence. "Sorry...I didnt...get you a christmas present..." of course i was still panting not fully recovered by i was finally able to speak once more.
"What...are you talking about...your gift was your body and heart...and let alone...a hot winter night..." he nuzzled his teeth against my neck, leaving behind a slight mark, but nothing like mine. Glancing down, I saw that it was still bleeding. Slowly I began to lap up the blood, feeling guilty.
"I am marked as yours now...Miyuki...I love you."
My body tensed at what he said. My tongue stopped in mid-lick. While Deidara expected the worst from that simple hesitation, I was smiling. "I love you to...and I always will."
What I had yet to realize was that with those words...they had riled Deidara back to life. This hot winter night...was far from over.
Zetsu's POV
It was all clearly audible, the moans, the sharp screams especially. Everyone in this room remained silent so they could have the latest gossip on the two new lovers. Glancing to the right, by the Christmas tree, I saw Konan covering Tobi's ears; protecting the innocent young...boy?
Tobi was trying to pry Konan off of him, trying to hear what everyone in the room was smriking and giggling at. Konan of course is too stubborn and is still fighting hard with Tobi.
I sat there listening to the quick recovery and beginning of round two.
in my opinion this is one of the better ones i have completed lol
ReplyDeletethis was better than the one i made for my friend
ReplyDeleteYou should write about round two *purrs*